Sunday, January 2, 2011

Under the Mistletoe Contest WINNERS!!

First of all, we want to congratulate EVERYONE who entered the contest.  It takes balls to publish your works for others to read and be the judge of, and all of you did a fantastic job!!  Secondly, THANK YOU for entering!! Kat and I were thrilled with the turn out, and we had tons and tons of votes, so we were like piggies in mud - very happy. 

And now, the results...

Popular vote:
(winners: feel free to snag your badge or link your winnings to this post!)

In third place ...

Congrats BeCullen!! For more awesome stories by this author, check out her fan fiction profile and leave her some reviews!!

In 2nd place...

Congrats SaturdaySlump!!  Check out this author's fan fiction profile and leave her some reviews!!

Judge's Pick:

[Judges Note: While this was a difficult choice, we thought this o/s stood out for its unique story line, it was heart-wrenching and well told.  If you didn't read it - GO READ IT.] 
Congrats Addicted to Edward Cullen!! For more stories from this author check out her fan fiction profile and leave her some reviews!!

And now for the banner of our First Place winner...

Congrats to SydneyAlice!! For more stories by this author's fan fiction profile and leave her some reviews!!

In addition to the banner, we will be doing a feature of SydneyAlice on MPF's main blog.  I checked her profile and she's got tons of goodies on there, Kat and I will be discussing some of those and highlighting her as an author, so keep your eyes peeled for that post next week!

Once again, thanks to all who participated, there were some really great entries, and I noticed some of them weren't getting many reviews. Can I just say this is a bone of contention with me? If you read - PLEASE REVIEW!! I can't tell you how much a simple few words can mean to someone who has put themselves out there in this manner!! Aaaand, now I'm ranting, I will stop.  Point being, if you didn't read all the entries - go READ!! We will leave all the links up on this contest blog under the entries page.

We hope you all had a fabulous Christmas and New Years, we have some exciting things planned for the coming months so stayed tuned!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Whose Line is it Anyway Contest Winners!

Firstly, we want to congratulate every author who entered this contest.  It's not easy to piece together a story from a few lines and make it work, and we assure you - you all did an excellent job!!  Now, without further adieu, the winners are... 
Drum roll please .....

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Update for Whose Line is it Anyway? Contest

The voting process has ended, and we are in the process of deciding judges' picks. We wanted to take a minute and make some minor changes due to the number of limited entries. We will be announcing the First Place winner from the public voting round, as well as two Judges' picks. We are also offering anonymous critiques from the Judges to the authors if they are interested in the hearing opinions, just let us know and we will email.  Thanks, again,  so much to everyone has participated!!

-Buff and Kat

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Welcome to the newest endeavor of My Precious Fandom! We are excited to announce the start of the contest portion of our website. Here you can find out about our latest contests as well as the winners from previous contests. All page links can be found to the left of this post.

We're kicking things off with our "Whose Line is it Anyway?" contest. All submission guidelines and details of the contest can be found here:

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